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Busy Parents And Children: How To Maintain Good Oral Hygiene While On The Go

In today's world, people are busier than ever before. Sadly, parents, as well as their children, are failing to maintain proper oral hygiene habits. Even if you can't brush after each meal because you're constantly on the go, there are a few things that you can do to help stay on top of your oral health and ensure your child does too. Read on to learn more.

1. Drink Plenty of Water.

One of the easiest things that busy moms, dads and kids can do is to drink water. Keep bottles of water (either purchased from the store or from your household tap) on hand in the vehicle so that they're readily accessible when someone needs a drink. Try to opt for water with fluoride in it so that it can help demineralize acid-damaged teeth and strengthen tooth enamel.

2. Snack Right.

Although certain snacks should be avoided, there are some that are actually really good for your teeth. According to Colgate, fresh fruits, raw vegetables, cubed cheese, whole grain crackers, nuts and yogurt are just some of the many healthy snacks you and your kids can eat while on the run. These will help protect your teeth from unwanted tooth decay and other oral diseases.

3. Chew Sugarless Gum.

As long as it isn't filled with sugar, chewing gum is actually a good thing. The best kind to chew is sugar-free gum with xylitol, which has been shown to help repair previously damaged enamel. Chewing gum helps to encourage the production of saliva, which can work to neutralize the acids in your mouth and remove left-behind food particles from your teeth.

4. Keep a Toothbrush, Toothpaste, and Floss Picks in the Car.

When you're already running late or you're gone from home from sunrise to sunset, it can be hard to find the time to brush and floss your teeth. However, it is extremely important for you and your family to do so – especially your children who are just getting their teeth. Even if you're on the go, you can still get some brushing and flossing in easily and quickly, if you have the necessary supplies on hand. For convenience, you may want to opt for floss picks and mini toothbrushes that comes equipped with a small bead of toothpaste built-in.

Remember, you are a role model to your child. If you don't brush and floss, neither will they. Dental hygiene habits need to be developed as early as possible so that there is a stronger possibility of your child maintaining those habits through adolescence and into adulthood. If you're not prepared to talk to your child about the importance of brushing and flossing, schedule an appointment with a pediatric dentist so that they can. While you're at it, make sure to schedule a cleaning and full examination. 

