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4 Natural Ways To Whiten Your Teeth If You Smoke

If you smoke, you may suffer from stained teeth. Your tooth enamel can absorb some of the pigments of the tobacco over time and become discolored. Still, most surface stains can be treated by a tooth whitening application. The most effective type of whitening is generally performed in the office of a cosmetic dentist. However, there are some natural substances that can be used to brighten your teeth at home. Here are a few:


Turmeric is the bright yellow spice that is often used in Indian cuisine. It has been praised for its anti-inflammatory properties. However, it may also whiten teeth. The slightly coarse texture of turmeric can help polish the tobacco stains from your tooth enamel. However, don't scrub too hard as you brush, or you could start to wear away your tooth enamel.

Baking Soda and Peroxide

Baking soda and peroxide have been used for years to whiten teeth. You can mix hydrogen peroxide with baking soda to form a paste. Then, brush your teeth in your usual manner. The mixture should work well to polish your teeth and eliminate surface stains. Still, this combination should not be used every time you brush your teeth. Try to limit your use to a weekly application. The coarse texture of the baking soda could damage your tooth enamel if you brush with the mixture too often, and frequent use of peroxide can irritate gum tissue that may already be inflamed by your tobacco use. 

Chew Crunchy Vegetables

The fibrous consistency of crunchy vegetables, such as carrots and celery, helps scrub your teeth as you eat. Plaque can harden into tartar if it is left on your teeth for a prolonged period, and tartar readily absorbs stains, such as those from tobacco, because of its porous surface.  Eating raw vegetables can remove the plaque before it hardens.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil can be used as natural toothpaste or pulled through your teeth. Coconut oil becomes detergent-like as it is mechanically moved throughout your mouth. In addition, it can help reach deep into the crevices of your teeth to trap bacteria, plaque and food particles, so they can be discarded with the oil as it is released from your mouth. The oil can also help dissolve tooth stains that are not water soluble or are too deep in the surface of your tooth enamel to be reached by your toothbrush.

If you are a smoker and would like to whiten your teeth, these natural remedies may help. However, the most effective whitening still takes place at a dental office. Contact a dentist, like those at Elma Family Dental, in your area today for a consultation.   
