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3 Dental Alignment Options That Won't Mar Your Appearance

If you suffer from misaligned teeth, you may be anxious to start an orthodontic treatment. However, you may be concerned that traditional metal braces will detract from your appearance. 

Nowadays, orthodontists have multiple dental alignment products available to help straighten your teeth without marring your looks. Here are a few:


Invisalign is designed to straighten your teeth in a comfortable way without being noticed. This teeth-straightening system uses plastic trays to align your teeth.

Each set of aligning trays is used for about two weeks. Then, they are replaced with the next set of aligners in your treatment progression.

The aligners can be inserted and removed by the patient, much like a mouth guard. Thus, you can eat and clean your teeth comfortably. Still, you should not leave your trays out of place for long periods or it can delay your treatment. The aligners are designed to be worn at least 20 hours daily.

If you and your orthodontist decide that Invisalign is right for you, expect to pay about $4,000 to $7,000 for your treatment.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces are traditional braces that have brackets made of ceramic instead of metal. Sometimes called clear braces, ceramic braces are much harder to notice on the teeth than their metal counterparts. 

Still, these braces usually cost about $1,000 more than traditional metal braces due to their aesthetic appeal. Traditional metal braces cost about $3,000 to $7,000. Ceramic braces are typically priced between $4,000 and $8,000.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces also offer an inconspicuous way to align your teeth. These braces, although constructed of metal, are applied to the back side of your teeth, which remains unseen when you speak, smile or eat. They are called lingual braces because they are positioned on the side of the teeth that is adjacent to the tongue.

Lingual braces straighten teeth as effectively as traditional braces while offering the additional benefit of leaving your lips unencumbered. If you play a wind instrument, you will likely appreciate this added advantage. In addition, people who are involved in contact sports can avoid having their braces snag or tear the inner surface of their lip when they fall or when a ball strikes their mouth.

Lingual braces generally cost about $8,000 to $10,000.

If you are trying to find a discreet way to straighten your misaligned teeth, there are multiple treatment options available. Schedule an appointment with an orthodontist in your area to learn which options may be best for you. To learn more, contact a dental care office like Port Orchard Dental Care Center
