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Less Visible Options For When You Need Braces

When you need braces, but you do not want people to be able to see them, you need to know your options. Some types of braces allow you to conceal the fact that you are wearing them. By taking the opportunity to know your options, you can choose a less noticeable method for straightening your teeth.

Clear Brackets

Your first option for concealing your braces is to choose clear brackets. These brackets are made from high-density porcelain and they are typically translucent. From a distance, the translucent color makes the brackets harder to see, which makes them a good choice for concealing your braces.

The only drawback to this option is that you still require the metal wire to help realign your teeth, which can be seen up close. However, the wire is the key component to shifting your teeth into a different position. As the orthodontist tightens the wire over time, your teeth will start to move into a more desirable location.

Even though this may not be your ideal choice, it is still worth considering. In many cases, this type of braces works as well as the traditional metal braces, except the clear option is less noticeable.


Another option is to choose Invisalign, which is a system that uses clear trays to realign your teeth. These trays look similar to a mouth guard, except they are thinner and the inside pattern of the tray will change over time.

To keep the teeth moving, the orthodontist will design new trays for you to wear. Changing how the tray fits is the key element to shifting your teeth into a new position. However, each tray can only move your teeth so far, which is why you will need several of them to realign your teeth.

For the most part, this option is a good choice when you do not want traditional metal braces. The downside to this option is that you can only take them out to eat or brush your teeth. Leaving them out for an extended period could cause your teeth to slip back into their original position.

Lingual Braces

If the other options are not to your liking, you can also look into lingual braces. These braces utilize small metal brackets that go onto the back of your teeth, which makes them very hard for anyone to see. Aside from their size and location, they work in the same manner as traditional metal braces.

One issue you could experience with lingual braces is that it is slightly harder to keep clean. Since the braces are on the backside of your teeth, it can be challenging to see when food becomes stuck around the brackets or wire.

Getting braces does not mean everyone needs to know you have them. By learning more about the different options, you can choose a type that is easier to conceal.

Go to sites for local dentists to see what services they offer. 
