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Three Things You Can Still Do While Wearing Braces

Have you been thinking about braces but are worried about some of the limitations that it will involve? It's true you won't be able to eat some of your favorite foods like popcorn, but there are still plenty of things you will be able to do. Here are three things you can still do while wearing braces.


Yes, it's okay to kiss someone else while you are wearing braces. The only time you want to be extra careful is if both people are wearing braces. While it's rare to get caught in each other's braces when kissing, it can still happen. It usually only happens when a wire becomes loose, as it can become tangled up in the braces of the person you are kissing. Don't worry though, according to one orthodontist who has over 30 years of experience, he's never seen this happen. So if you happen to be wearing braces when you fall in love, you don't have to wait until you get them removed before you can start kissing.


According to some statistics, 80 percent of people don't floss their teeth. If you are someone who actually does do this on a regular basis and are wondering if you're going to have to avoid it while wearing braces, there is still a way. Not only can you still floss your teeth, it's extremely important to do so. When wearing braces you can become more prone to cavities because of food and sugar that gets caught in the braces while eating. If trying to get the floss underneath and between all those wires becomes too much of a chore for you, there are others ways you can do it. These include using a water flosser or an orthodontic floss threader, which are both designed especially for those who wear braces.


While it's true there are some foods such as popcorn and sticky candy you'll have to avoid while wearing braces, you should still be able to consume most of your favorite foods, including cookies, pizza, hamburgers, fruits, and vegetables. (For harder fruits like apples, you may have to cut it into pieces first). The only time you may have to forgo eating some of these types of food is right after getting braces, or after getting your braces tightened. During these times, it's best to stick to softer foods such as yogurt and pasta.

Getting braces doesn't mean you can no longer do some of your favorite things, however there are instances you may have to use a bit more caution. To learn more, visit an orthodontist like Reed & Sahlaney Orthodontics, LLP
