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Easy Tips For Protecting Your Tooth Enamel

Your oral health is important to your overall health. That's why you want to keep the protective enamel that covers your teeth strong to fight off cavities and decay. The question is – in addition to going to the dentist regularly – what can you do to keep your tooth enamel strong? Here are four tips that can help.

1. Get Rid of Lingering Food

After you eat, you should drink water to help get rid of some of the food that might be sitting there. This is a good plan if you can't get somewhere to brush your teeth right away after eating. When food sits on your teeth, it can eat away at the enamel and start to form plaque. Swish a bit around in your mouth after dining to dislodge what's between your teeth as well.

2. Brush Your Teeth the Right Amount

It's important to brush at least twice a day. It's a good idea to brush for at least two minutes each time and use floss after. It's just as important to not over-brush your teeth. When you brush too much, you can actually start to brush the enamel off of your teeth.

3. Avoid Cosmetic Damage

Your teeth might not be as white as you like, but you have to be mindful of using whiteners. The ingredients in some whitening toothpastes and treatments are not good for your enamel. They can be abrasive and wear your teeth down over time. Do research on whitening treatments and talk to your dentist. The dentist uses a whitening treatment that isn't harmful to enamel. If you want to go the whitening route then getting them to do it will be the best option.

4. Avoid Sugar and Soda

If you need to have soda and sugar, do so sparingly. Lots of sugar and soda will attack your teeth. Acid in soda, whether it's diet or regular, stains your teeth and eats away at the surface of your enamel. Once the acid has made its way through the enamel, it will start to decay your teeth and cause cavities to form.

Sucrose, which is sugar found in candy and cookies, is the most common cause of enamel wear and tooth decay. You should also be mindful of things like dried fruit which is full of sugar and even starches like cereal that can contain a lot of sugar.

With these four tips in the back of your mind, you should have no trouble protecting your tooth enamel. For more information, contact local professionals like those found at Charlottesville Dental Medicine at Forest Lakes.
