Good Dental Care: It Doesn't Have to Break Your Budget

Keep Those Pearly Whites Gleaming! Three Tips To Keep Your Teeth White And Bright

When you meet new people, one of the first things they notice is your smile. Teeth that appear yellow, dull, or dingy may make you feel self-conscious about smiling. Follow these guidelines to restore your smile to its former glory.

1. Have Your Teeth Professionally Whitened

One of the quickest ways see results is to have your teeth professionally whitened by your dentist. The solution that your dentist uses is stronger than at-home varieties, enabling you to see results more quickly. After applying the whitening agent to your teeth, your dentist will use a laser or heat source to increase the effects of the agent.

In cases where your teeth are severally discolored, are misshapen, or have gaps between them, veneers may be a better solution. Veneers are thin tooth-colored shells that your dentist adheres to the teeth. Not only do they make your teeth whiter, but they completely change the appearance.

If you have sensitive teeth or gums, stick with in-office teeth whitening. Your dentist knows how to correctly perform the procedure without irritating your mouth or increasing sensitivity to your teeth. For less dramatic tooth whitening, at-home whitening kits may be an option. These kits are not nearly as strong as those used by your dentist and take longer to see results.

Whitening toothpastes do not bleach the teeth like whitening kits. Instead, they contain abrasives that helps scrub surface stains from the teeth.

Consult with your dentist concerning which alternative is best for you.

2. Stow the Cigarettes

Smoking cigarettes is one of the worst things you can do for your teeth. Not only does smoking contribute to the formation of plaque and put you at a higher risk for gum disease, it turns your teeth yellow over time.

Even if you whiten your teeth professionally, if you continue to smoke, your teeth will become yellow again. Stop smoking as soon as possible to start reducing the effects that it has on your teeth.

3. Change Your Consumption of Dark Colored Beverages

Dark colored beverages, such as tea, caffeine, and soda, can all stain the teeth over time. Try to limit the consumption of these items. When you do enjoy a refreshing cola or tea, consider drinking the beverage through a straw. Using a straw helps minimize the contact that the liquid has with your teeth.

Instead of sipping your beverage throughout the day, have it at certain times of the day. Afterward, rinse your mouth with water to get the beverage off of your teeth.

It only takes a few changes to transform a mouth full of yellow teeth into one with glittering white teeth. Follow these simple tips to start your smile makeover.
