Good Dental Care: It Doesn't Have to Break Your Budget

Dealing With A Broken Tooth When You Can't Afford Much Dental Work

It is common for most people hit hard times at one time or another. Unfortunately, your body may not cooperate, and you may find yourself in need of some dental expensive help, even during lean times. If you have a broken tooth or if you are having a toothache, you may need to have immediate dental work. There could be an issue if you cannot afford dental work. Here are some ways to deal with dental work when you cannot afford to spend a lot.

Find a family dentist with specials

In order to attract new customers, family dentistry practices will sometimes offer service specials. If your current dentist prices do not work for you, seek out specials at new dental offices. By looking for specials, you may be able to find discounted or flat rate services that you can pay for out of your next check. In order to get the best deal, you can call your dentist and see if they will match advertised service prices for other dentists in the area. Getting work on a special will give you a cheaper price, and you may be able to find a dentist who often holds affordable specials for dental work.

Go nuclear

If your dentist looks at your tooth and says that you need expensive work to save the tooth, it may be best to have it pulled. Having a tooth pulled will mean that you won't have to deal with fillings or crowns. This will give your mouth the ability to heal without hundreds of dollars of work. Pulling a tooth out will also allow you to make a choice in services later on. You can choose a bridge or a tooth implant to fix a missing tooth problem when you have the money. Tooth extraction is often cheaper than other services. 

Get one service at a time

If you know that you need work performed on one or more teeth, consider breaking down the services and getting one service at a time. If you are in need of a root canal and a crown, get the root canal and ask for a temporary filling. This will allow you to get the heavy work done that will relieve your nerves and it will give you time to save up for the crown. If you need several fillings, you should get them one at a time, starting with the one that the dentist say needs help first. This will allow you to make your dental work more affordable. 
