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Oral Surgery Aftercare: 4 Important Tips Following Impacted Wisdom Tooth Removal

If you have an impacted wisdom tooth, there's a good chance your dentist will recommend oral surgery to remove the tooth as soon as possible. Wisdom tooth removal surgery is relatively routine, but there are still some important aftercare tips that you will need to follow to reduce the risk of infection and other complications. 

Avoid Dislodging the Blood Clot

Perhaps the most important step of the healing process is the formation of a blood clot over the incision site following the procedure. This clot is vital in preventing excessive blood loss and infection. Your dentist will pack the incision area with gauze after the procedure and give you instructions to change the gauze every several hours, biting down on it to put pressure on the incision and help the blood clot form. Some common mistakes people make that can lead to the dislodging of the blood clot include:

  • drinking out of a straw
  • smoking cigarettes
  • brushing the area too carelessly

Take Pain Medication Before Anesthetic Wears Off

Another common mistake patients make is neglecting to take their prescribed pain medication after the surgery. Be sure to fill the prescription as soon as possible and take the first pill before your anesthetic wears off. Do not wait until you start to notice the pain to take the pills, and try to eat a small meal before you take your first pill to avoid nausea.

Stick to Soft, Cold Foods for Nourishment

Speaking of foods, your dentist should give you a list of recommended foods to eat following your surgery. Generally, you should stick with cool or room-temperature foods that require as little chewing as possible, such as yogurts, warm soups, milk shakes, and the like. Avoid hot foods or foods that could get lodged in the incision area, such as seeds and rice.

Know When to Call Your Dentist

Finally, know when to call your dentist with any concerns. For example, if you have stiff jaw muscles, a sore throat, or feel sharp edges near the incision site for more than a week after your surgery, you should schedule a follow-up appointment with your dentist sooner rather than later. 

By keeping these aftercare tips in mind as you prepare for your wisdom tooth removal surgery, you can avoid a lot of the painful side effects and complications that can otherwise occur throughout the body's natural healing process. Talk to your dentist if you have other questions about the surgery and what to expect afterward.
