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How To Live With Dental Implants

If you are missing one or more of your teeth and you have the option to get dentures, you can have a bridge put in or you can go with dental implants. If you choose implants, you'll want to know how life will be living with implants. The information here will educate you in the different ways they can impact your life and what you can expect:

The implant is permanent but may not be forever

Once you have gone through the steps to get an implant, it will be considered to be a permanent fixture in your mouth. However, simply because it is considered to be permanent doesn't necessarily mean that it is forever. While dental implants are generally designed to last a lifetime, it's the crown on the implant that has its limitations. If you take excellent care of the crown, then you may be able to get more than 15 years out of it before you can start having issues. The good news is the crown can be replaced without needing to have the entire implant replaced which would involve a lot of work needing to be done.

The implant needs the same care as your other teeth in every way

You want to remember that while the implant may be very strong it is still attached to your jawbone and it goes through your gum tissue. This makes it just as vulnerable to problems as all the other teeth you have. For example, if you end up with gum disease, you can end up with a receding gum line that poses just as many problems for your implant as with your real teeth.

Stained implants can't be whitened

Contrary to popular belief, the crowns that are attached to the implants can actually be stained. The difference between stained teeth and stained crowns on implants is teeth can be whitened and the crowns can't be. Therefore, you want to be exceptionally careful once you have an implant put in so you don't stain them. This means that you should cut out any bad habits you have that can cause issues. That morning cup of coffee should be a thing of the past; you should say goodbye to that smoking habit and you want to be a lot more conscientious about all of the foods that you eat and the things that you drink. Doing these things will help prevent implant staining.

Contact a dentist office that offers oral surgery for more information and assistance. 
