Good Dental Care: It Doesn't Have to Break Your Budget

Improve Your Oral Health With These Natural Tips

A dental visit for a routine cleaning can either go well or bad. If you have spend that past six months taking great care of your teeth since your last cleaning, you should hopefully not have any problems with your teeth that require a follow up visit for additional dental work. Her are some natural tips that can help improve your overall oral health

Eat More Natural Foods

What you eat will play a big part in your overall oral health. It is common for people to think about the foods that they eat when dieting to lose weight, but when it comes to oral health, the focus tends to be more on how often and how well you brush your teeth. You can actually improve oral health by changing the foods that you consume.

Crunchy produce, like celery, carrots, and apples, will cleanse your mouth as you eat them. Those crunchy textures will increase how much saliva you produce, which helps wash away the bacteria that could be in your mouth.

Drink More Tea

The beverages that you consume also play a role in oral health. While you may think that diet soda can help you lose weight by cutting out that sugar, the acidic nature of the beverage is actually harmful to your teeth. You should switch to drinking green or black tea during the day, because it has flavonoids that will stop bacteria from collecting in your mouth.

Finish a Meal With Cheese

You are not always able to brush your teeth after a meal, especially when you are out and about. However, cheese can be a great way to clean your teeth after a meal. The cheese has a unique texture that will help remove sugars that are on your teeth after a meal, which will fight off tooth decay. This is true of dairy foods overall, since they neutralize acids that can remain on your teeth

Swish Oil

Instead of going for the mouthwash, try swishing some olive or coconut oil in your mouth. It can actually remove the toxins that are in your gums, which will keep them healthy. It also helps get rid of bacteria, and can help whiten teeth.

These are just a few natural ways that you can improve your oral health. For more advice, be sure to ask your dentist at your next cleaning. They can help set you on the right path to having a healthy smile. Contact a dentist, like Labowe Stuart DDS, for more help.
