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Will My Teeth Hurt After Getting Braces?

Braces do not cause any pain when they are applied correctly to your teeth. The initial placement does not hurt at all. However, you might experience some discomfort after your braces have first been applied and after your braces have been adjusted. This will typically last for a few days.

Why Braces Can Sometimes Be Uncomfortable

Braces place pressure on your teeth and gradually move them into the right position. The wire pushes and pulls the tooth. This can cause lactic acid to build up and can also cause temporary inflammation. All of this can cause the tooth to feel sore.

What You Should Eat

After the first day, your teeth might feel a little sensitive when you are eating. You should avoid foods that are hard and difficult to chew. You will have the easiest time with a liquid-based diet or with very soft food, such as yogurt. If you feel a lot of discomfort, you could use an over-the-counter pain medication.

Make sure to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. By adding ice cubes to your water, you will be able to numb your mouth and reduce inflammation. Cold foods can have the same numbing effect, such as ice cream.

Salt water can reduce inflammation. Add a half a teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water. Swish the salt water in your mouth for about 30 seconds and then spit it out.

Inner Cheek Irritation

Your inner cheeks and lips might experience irritation. Your orthodontist might provide you with relief wax that will provide you with a smooth surface that your braces can reduce any feelings of irritation.

If the Discomfort Doesn't Go Away

After about five days, any discomfort that you might have felt will be completely gone. If you continue to feel discomfort, you should consider contacting your orthodontist to find out if there are any adjustments that he or she might need to make to relieve your discomfort.

Why You Must Brush Your Teeth Differently

Listen carefully to your orthodontist about how you should brush your teeth when you have braces. You must brush your braces carefully to avoid damaging them. If your braces become damaged, a broken wire will likely poke the inside of your mouth until you are able to have your braces repaired. You will also need to use a special brush that allows you to clean in-between your braces.

Speak with a business like Cobbe Dental & Orthodontics to learn more.
