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Why Porcelain Is The Ideal Material For A Dental Veneer And How Veneers Improve Your Smile

Porcelain veneers are used to improve the appearance of your teeth. They can correct many types of imperfections, but they aren't suitable for teeth that have decay because they don't restore cavities. Here's a look at what conditions veneers can be used for and why porcelain is used to make them.

Veneers Improve The Color And Shape Of Your Teeth

Dental veneers are used as a cosmetic treatment for your teeth. Their color can be customized so you can choose a bright, white shade for permanently white teeth, or you can choose to have a single veneer put in and have the color matched to your other teeth. The ability to change the color of your teeth might be important to you if one or more of your front teeth have permanent staining that can't be improved with teeth whitening treatments.

The shape of veneers can be customized too. This allows the dentist to make a short tooth longer or cover up a tooth that has a chip in the bottom. Veneers can even close a small tooth gap and cover slightly rotated teeth so that your teeth look straighter and uniform. Veneers are placed on teeth that are healthy, but just need cosmetic improvement. If your teeth have cavities, they'll need fillings or a crown instead. If your teeth are misaligned, then you may need braces rather than veneers.

Why Porcelain Is Used For Veneers

Veneers are placed on the front teeth to improve your smile. Therefore, you want the most realistic looking effect possible. This is achievable with porcelain because it has qualities similar to natural enamel. Porcelain has a glossy appearance rather than a flat, dull surface like resin, which is also used in dental treatments. Because porcelain reflects light like enamel and has a natural white color, it is easy for the veneers to blend in with natural teeth.

Porcelain also resists staining, which is important for front teeth, and porcelain is strong. Veneers are permanently secured to your teeth with a bonding agent that holds them firmly in place so you can eat normally. However, your dentist may want you to wear a mouth guard if you have a habit of grinding your teeth, so you don't crack or damage the veneers.

When you get veneers, your dentist makes a mold of your teeth first. Then, a dental technician in a lab can create your veneers out of thin sheets of porcelain that have a perfect fit in your mouth so the tooth or teeth with the veneers will look completely natural. For more information, check out a website like
