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3 Reaons To Choose Dental Implants

Whether you have oral health issues or want to improve the quality of your smile, you may decide to ask your dentist about cosmetic dental procedures. While there are a variety of options available to solve an array of issues, dental implants may be the best choice for you. Dental implants address medical issues as well as cosmetic issues with your teeth. You will be able to work with your dentist in order to achieve your desired smile. Here are three reasons to choose dental implants to improve your smile.

Implants are customized to your mouth.

Dental implants provide you with a completely customized smile. The implants are unique down to their shape, size, and color in order to best fit your mouth. This is a good option for you if you are only replacing a few of your teeth and would like to blend your implants with your remaining teeth. The best part about implants is that they look exactly like natural teeth. No one will know that you have dental implants unless you decide to tell them that you do. With dental implants, you do not need to feel embarrassed by having your natural teeth replaced. They are the next best thing to natural teeth.

Dental implants are easy to care for.

Your dental implants are as easy to care for as your natural teeth. After you get your implants, you should still visit the dentist at least twice a year for regular exams and cleanings. Follow the recommended oral hygiene routine set out by your dentist; this should include regular brushing and flossing. You will need to continue to brush your teeth in order to keep your gums healthy. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste to remove plaque and food debris. You should also replace your toothbrush a few times a year.

Dental implants help combat jawbone loss.

Dental implants help to decrease bone loss as a result of tooth loss. Most people who lose their natural teeth also suffer from concurrent bone loss in the jaw. The jawbone regenerates based on mechanical input received from the teeth and gums. The mechanical input is the result of chewing and talking; the pressure on the teeth and gums sends signals to the cells of the jawbone to divide and make more cells. Unlike dentures, dental implants interface with your gums and jawbone the same way that natural teeth would.

For more information, contact a dental implant service.
