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2 Misconceptions You May Have About Your Sensitive Teeth

When you are living with sensitive teeth, you may find that you can no longer bite into cold ice cream or eat an overly sugary piece of candy without causing yourself extreme comfort. While you may even be using a toothpaste designed for the problem, you may still suffer if you want to eat some of your favorite snacks and meals. If you do suffer from sensitive teeth, you may have a couple of misconceptions about what causes or can fix this problem.

1.  Eating Cold and Sugary Foods Is the Only Trigger for Symptoms 

One misconception that you may have about sensitive teeth is the idea that eating cold and/or sugary foods is the only trigger for the symptoms. You may believe that staying clear of these types of foods will help you to avoid the discomfort.

However, it is not the cold temperature or the sugar in the foods that are directly causing your teeth sensitivity. The sensitivity is caused by an erosion of the enamel on the surfaces of your teeth.

As the layer thins, the underlying soft, sensitive pulp becomes more exposed. Since the pulp has nerve endings, exposure to hot or cold foods as well as sugar and acid foods can trigger your symptoms.

2.  Relieving Tooth Sensitivity Can Only Be Done with a Special Toothpaste

Another misconception that you may have about sensitive teeth is that there is no other way to treat them unless you use a special toothpaste. While a desensitizing toothpaste can help to relieve symptoms in mild cases, it is not the only option for treating sensitive teeth, especially if you suffer from severe symptoms.

There are a couple of options that your dentist may consider when trying to treat the eroded enamel on your teeth. One possible treatment involves the dentist coating your teeth by painting on a special resin that helps to reinforce the enamel. This can be done once or twice a year to protect the teeth from further erosion as well as reduce their sensitivity. 

If your teeth have become sensitive to the point that you are no longer able to enjoy some of your favorite foods, something besides finding an over-the-counter toothpaste can be done to give you relief. Make an appointment with a family dentist near you to have them examine your teeth to verify that there are no underlying issues causing your sensitive teeth. If not, they can discuss your options for desensitizing them.
