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4 Indications That You Need To Schedule An Appointment With A TMJ Dentist For Treatment

When you experience pain in your jaws, a popping sound, or have a swollen face, the chances are that you are suffering from a condition known as temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). It occurs when the jaw hinge fails to work as required and may require specialized services from a TMJ dentist to be corrected. The following are four signs that are a clear indication you should seek immediate attention from a TMJ dentist for treatment:

Migraine-Like Headaches

You may be suffering from TMJ if you experience high-intensity headaches similar to migraines. Frequent jaw pains, facial tenderness, or stiffness are quite unbearable and may indicate something more serious than just dehydration, which is a typical cause for headaches. Therefore, if you notice any of these signs, waste no time booking an appointment with a TMJ dentist. 

Worn-Out or Cracked Teeth

If there is no harmonious relationship between your muscles, jaw joints, and teeth, you'll lose biting symmetry. When misaligned upper and lower jaws come into contact, extreme pressure may lead to cracking or breaking teeth. Furthermore, when you are frequently clenching or gnashing your teeth, that may indicate TMJ disorder, which causes wearing out, breaking, or cracking in your teeth. If you experience these signs, consider visiting your TMJ dentist for treatment.

A Feeling of Grounded or Misaligned Jaws

When you wake up in the morning with some stiffness in your jaw that may not seem quite alarming. However, if this problem is persistent, that's an indication that something is not right and can manifest TMJ symptoms. Therefore, consider making a date with a TMJ dentist should you experience stiffness or misplaced jaws.

Clicking, Cracking, or Popping Sound When Opening Your Mouth

It may be hard to tell whether you are suffering from TMJ disorder if you're experiencing difficulty opening your mouth without either of these sounds heard. However, if it's uncomfortable opening your mouth, accompanied by clicking popping or cracking sounds, you're likely suffering from TMJ. This condition is particularly present if you are experiencing pain, and if it's persistent, don't hesitate to seek treatment from a TMJ dentist.


Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ) affects many people across the world and if not treated early, it can make things much worse. Life is never enjoyable living with frequent discomforts in your jaw. The pain can affect your sleep, make your mornings unbearable. If you experience the symptoms discussed above, make an appointment with a TMJ dentist for prompt treatment.
