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Things You Should Know About Dental Crown Care

Dental crowns are a great solution for protecting damaged teeth from suffering any further damage. However, despite the fact that crowns are a common dental solution, many people don't fully understand the care that these dental fixtures require. As a result, many people inadvertently damage their crowns and have to seek additional dental care. Here's a look at a few things that you need to consider in order to protect your dental crowns and keep them in the best possible condition.

Avoid Hard And Sticky Foods

When you have a dental crown, you'll want to avoid things such as ice cubes, hard candies, taffy, etc. Harder candies and foods such as crunchy raw vegetables can all cause a dental crown to crack. Taffy and similar sticky foods can also be problematic because they can stick to your crown and pull it loose. 

Be Mindful Of Temperature Extremes

Another thing you need to consider when you have a dental crown is that the tooth and the gums around it are likely to be sensitive for some time after the crown placement. This is especially true if you opt for a metal crown. Metal conducts temperature well, which will intensify the temperature on the gums and the tooth beneath the crown.

Be mindful of the temperature of the things you consume for the first month or two after the crown is placed to avoid any gum irritation from temperature sensitivity. That irritation can lead to swelling which may disrupt the placement of your dental crown.

Wear A Mouth Guard

If you have a tendency to grind your teeth in your sleep, or if you play sports, you'll need to invest in a mouth guard to protect your crown as well as the rest of your teeth. The impact that can have on your dental crown is damaging. In fact, grinding your teeth can wear down the material of the crown. It can even cause your crown to crack. It's important that you wear a guard every night when you sleep and any time you're playing physical sports.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

No matter how well you care for your dental crown, it's important that you realize that it will still suffer wear over time. Dental crowns have a defined lifespan which varies based on the material it's crafted from. Make a point to visit a dentist in your area, such as Dr Taylors Family Dental Center, twice a year to have your dental crown inspected and ensure that you have it replaced before you face damage or other issues.
