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4 Tools Pediatric Dentists Use To Help Children

Dentists provide comprehensive oral care for patients. Pediatric dentists do the same for children under the age of 18. Pediatric dentists provide specialized care for young people during every stage of their development. Here are four tools that pediatric dentists use in their practices to improve the oral health of children:

1. Habit Appliances 

Habit appliances can be used as a type of preemptive orthodontic care. Like some types of retainers, habit appliances are permanently affixed to teeth. These appliances are designed to fit comfortably in the mouth while discouraging bad habits that can lead to poor oral health, such as thumb-sucking and improper tongue positioning. Habit appliances are used to train children into good habits as they grow and are typically removed once they are no longer needed.

2. Plaque-Disclosing Tablets

Brushing and flossing are the best ways for kids to avoid cavities and protect their teeth. However, kids may be careless in their hurry to finish their oral care routines. Fortunately, pediatric dentists can provide patient education to help kids brush and floss more effectively. Plaque-disclosing tablets may be used for this purpose. These tablets are designed to be chewed and spit out. They leave behind a dye that highlights areas of plaque that must be brushed and flossed better. After a child uses a plaque-disclosing tablet, a pediatric dentist can show them the proper way to brush and floss their teeth.

3. Soothing Objects

Pediatric dentists understand that many kids have fears about going to the dentist. Soothing objects can be used to put kids' minds at ease for faster and less traumatic dental appointments. Some dentists offer soft toys that kids can hold throughout their checkups and other dental procedures. Weighted blankets are another popular type of comfort item that can provide gentle pressure for anxious children. Pediatric dentists can also encourage patients to bring their own comfort items from home to give them courage during their appointment.

4. Fluoride Trays

Fluoride is a common additive in many kinds of toothpaste and mouthwashes. Dentists can also use concentrated fluoride gels to provide extra protection to kids' teeth at the end of their dental appointments. Fluoride has the ability to remineralize teeth when allowed to sit on the surface of the tooth enamel for an extended period of time. Child-sized fluoride trays can be filled with flavored fluoride gel or foam and applied to children's teeth. Biannual fluoride treatments can help to prevent cavities.

For more information, contact a company like Burton Advance Dental - Lavanya Seela DMD.
