4 Things To Do When You Want Dental Veneers

If you want a beautiful, perfect smile, dental veneers can make it a reality. The application process is fast and easy, and veneers can give you white, even teeth. Here are four things you should do when deciding to get dental veneers. Have your teeth examined. When you want veneers, the first thing you need to do is have your teeth examined by a dentist. Your teeth need to be healthy with enough enamel present for the procedure. [Read More]

What Is Tooth Resorption And How Can You Protect Yourself From It?

Tooth resorption is a dangerous condition that can strike silently and devastate your teeth before you know anything's happening. Read this simple guide to find out more about this condition, along with some pointers on what you can do to protect yourself from it. What it Is Tooth resorption is a disorder where the body reactivates the mechanism that allowed your baby teeth to fall out. If you've ever looked at baby teeth that have fallen out, chances are you would have noticed that they tend to be hollow on the inside. [Read More]

4 Things You Need To Know About Sprained Tooth Syndrome

Ligaments are the bands of connective tissue that connect one bone to another. You may have heard of the anterior cruciate ligament, which connects the tibia to the femur, but most people don't know that the teeth have ligaments that connect them to the jaw bone. As with any other ligament, it is possible to injure one of your tooth ligaments by overstretching it somehow. This condition, called sprained tooth syndrome, causes chronic inflammation and discomfort, making it essential to schedule an appointment with your dentist to take care of the problem. [Read More]

Thinking About Dental Veneers? 3 Things You Should Know

If you are looking for a complete smile makeover, dental veneers may be right for you. Veneers are thin shells made out of either porcelain or composite that are attached to the outside of the teeth. They can completely change the size, shape, and color of your teeth. They can also fill in gaps and even disguise misalignment. Veneers are also a great option for chipped or cracked teeth. They are a great way to get a new smile in little time. [Read More]