3 Dental Implant Features To Opt For When Designing Molars

Advancements in dental technology has allowed Americans to no longer suffer from missing teeth. You can easily replace missing teeth or damaged teeth with an artificial implant. Dental implants are becoming so popular that over 3 million Americans have them, and this number grows by 500,000 each year. If you're interested in getting an implant for your molars, you might be surprised to find out that you actually have a lot of room to customize and design the shape and size of the implant. [Read More]

Easy Tips For Protecting Your Tooth Enamel

Your oral health is important to your overall health. That's why you want to keep the protective enamel that covers your teeth strong to fight off cavities and decay. The question is – in addition to going to the dentist regularly – what can you do to keep your tooth enamel strong? Here are four tips that can help. 1. Get Rid of Lingering Food After you eat, you should drink water to help get rid of some of the food that might be sitting there. [Read More]

Old Silver Fillings Causing You Problems? What You Need To Know About Getting Them Replaced

If you are from the generation where going to the dentist to get cavities filled meant coming home with several silver fillings, you may still have some of those old fashioned dental amalgams still in your mouth. While silver fillings can last for many years, over time they may develop defects that can actually be harmful to your teeth. In addition, they can start to look dull and discolored. Your dentist can repair your teeth with more natural looking fillings if your teeth begin to suffer or you simply want a cosmetic change in your dental work. [Read More]

Three Things You Can Still Do While Wearing Braces

Have you been thinking about braces but are worried about some of the limitations that it will involve? It's true you won't be able to eat some of your favorite foods like popcorn, but there are still plenty of things you will be able to do. Here are three things you can still do while wearing braces. Kissing Yes, it's okay to kiss someone else while you are wearing braces. The only time you want to be extra careful is if both people are wearing braces. [Read More]