4 Steps To Caring For Your Dentures

Roughly 15 percent of adults who are missing teeth have dentures, according to the American College of Prosthodontists. If you're in that group, understanding how to care for your dental device is absolutely essential. Even though they're not real teeth, prosthetic ones require just as much TLC. What do you need to know when it comes to denture care? Check out these easy to follow tips that will help keep your device clean and your mouth healthy. [Read More]

Tooth Damage From Automotive Collisions And Suitable Corrective Cosmetic Applications

If you are hurt during a car accident, there are multiple injuries that you may sustain. Some of them can affect your teeth. Here are a few types of dental damage that may occur from the trauma of an automotive collision and a few cosmetic dental applications that can be used to restore the appearance of your teeth: Corrective Devices for Teeth That Are Chipped or Broken Crowns Dental crowns are commonly used to cover teeth that are damaged from decay or trauma. [Read More]

Oral Surgery Aftercare: 4 Important Tips Following Impacted Wisdom Tooth Removal

If you have an impacted wisdom tooth, there's a good chance your dentist will recommend oral surgery to remove the tooth as soon as possible. Wisdom tooth removal surgery is relatively routine, but there are still some important aftercare tips that you will need to follow to reduce the risk of infection and other complications.  Avoid Dislodging the Blood Clot Perhaps the most important step of the healing process is the formation of a blood clot over the incision site following the procedure. [Read More]

Dealing With A Broken Tooth When You Can't Afford Much Dental Work

It is common for most people hit hard times at one time or another. Unfortunately, your body may not cooperate, and you may find yourself in need of some dental expensive help, even during lean times. If you have a broken tooth or if you are having a toothache, you may need to have immediate dental work. There could be an issue if you cannot afford dental work. Here are some ways to deal with dental work when you cannot afford to spend a lot. [Read More]